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Importing weapons, with blender, need help

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i need to import a weapon model into skyrim, using blender, as i do not have 3ds max. all the blender tutorials are for armor, i have tried using the tutorials with just a weapon, but the furthest i have gotten was almost importing an existing weapon into blender, to get a "List index out of range" error. (that is after doing an extra step, not included in any of the tutorials, following the tutorials import instructions to the letter results in the same error as if i had not even read the tutorial


thanks for any advice on the matter

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It's much easier to export your mesh as an .obj, import that into blender, work on it, export again as an .obj and then import the .obj into Nifskope. :turned:
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When you import, say, the mesh of a sword, if you open an existing sword, select the sword's blade mesh and import--> .obj, you will get a messgae from nifskope* telling you that the selected mesh will be replaced. Your new mesh will be attached to all the nodes the old mesh was attached to.


Then, you need to delete the NiTexture and NiMaterial nodes that get imported with the .obj mesh.


Next, you re-apply the Shader property to the new mesh, and apply the right textures to that...


Here, I explained much of this, with screenshots, in this thread:My link Look towards the end of the thread, at first I just pointed to a tutorial you've probably already looked at.


Importing the meshes for a weapon would be no different.


For weapons, however, there are (usually) 2 'skins' that are for displaying blood spatter. You will end up needing to import your .obj mesh 3 times... once into the visible mesh, and once each into each 'blood' mesh. You'll be able to just apply the bloodmesh's displaced properties onto your mesh version and it will work. Your mesh does not need to be resized or anything for the blood mesh versions.






*Make sure you have the latest version, RC6 or greater.

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