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SKYUI MOD "Warning Message in Game"


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Hi , i have installed the SKYUI Mod and now i have this message in the UI: WARNING! SkyUI could not detect the Skyrim script extender (SKSE). SkyUI will not work correcty! ...


at first my Visions: the Skyrim Game (Steamvision) , my SKSE File 1.04.15


so i check the Google and installed the newest SKSE files to the position that i found in the "skse_readme.txt" of the SKSE Zip folder.


than i started with the "SKSE_loader.exe" and the Warning message will still stand there in the SkyUI !


What i can do?


thanks for help

Edited by bollmahn
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maybe he advice you to get the lastest version of skse, usually that message pop-up in this case


i have installed the Last Vision of SKSE and so i wondering me why the error message coming up, Can help anywere ? thanks

Edited by bollmahn
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are you using steam? had the same problem until i used the following:


in steam go to games->add non-steam game to library -> then choose the skse_loader exe file-> then simply start skyrim from the new entry in your library



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@flobalob: in the console coming the answer "command getskseversion Can't Found"


@njoobeee: your way has work :-) interessting is that it don't work if you make a Link to the desktop from skse_loader.exe by hand from explorer example(i have do this the last days).

At the end i go your way and make a Link in the steam client. Now the error message is away. thanks to all!

Edited by bollmahn
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  • 1 month later...

are you using steam? had the same problem until i used the following:


in steam go to games->add non-steam game to library -> then choose the skse_loader exe file-> then simply start skyrim from the new entry in your library


im not sure what you mean by this, which skse_loder file do you mean? the one in my skyrim bin folder or the one i don't have in the skyrim folder? because when i ad a shortcut to the one in the folder it doesn't do anything but open the skse_loder promped, not skyrim.

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skse_loader.exe should be in the same directory as TESV.exe (as should skse_1_5_26.dll or whichever is your current version)


Then either add skse_loader.exe to steam or create a shortcut to it on your desktop (both mehods work)

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  • 5 months later...

1. READ the install instructions for SKSE - it is not a mod and does not install like a mod - or in the same place.

2. Be sure both your game and SKSE are the latest version. Sometimes when the game is updated it may take a couple of days for SKSE to catch up

3. Be sure your Antivirus/firewall/ad blocker is not interfering with SKSE - most have a white list to allow approved programs to run without being checked - but you have to put the files in the whitelist

4. Be sure Windows UAC is not blocking you - best to move steam out of the UAC protected zone - this fixes some other problems also.

How to Move your Steam to another location Without having to reinstall anything.



If you have a pirated game - Sorry about your luck. SKSE is designed to work with the legal version and we do NOT support any other version. In other words, get a legal version instead of whining that your stolen copy doesn't work. :rolleyes:

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