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Wrye Bash won't load when trying to launch it from Mod Organizer 2

Master Toddy

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So I've been trying to use Wrye Bash (standalone) with Mod Organizer 2 in setting up a Skyrim SE mod setup. I have my Skyrim SE installed to d:\games\SteamLibrary directory. I have Wrye Bash installed directly to the Skyrim SE directory. Whenver I try to run Wrye Bash from within Mod Organizer 2 I get an error that says the action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program. Close the folder or file and dry again WryeBash_dnzgsf - launching Wrye bash outside of Mod Organizer works fine. How can I fix this to get the program to launch under Mod Organizer?


I'm using Windows 10 64-bit edition btw.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had the same problem, but after installing MO2 in the steam/commons folder (where skyrim se is also located), it worked. Looks like MO2 must be in the same drive as WB. This is already fixed in a dev version which you can find in the MO2 discord server.

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