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Bare fisted unarmed attacks - yes you can!


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Been surfing the forums and I see several threads where it's said you can't attach spells and effects to unarmed attacks so I thought this deserved it's own topic. I just released a mod that does all this.


I'm throwing chain lighting, sparks, causing staggers, disarms, knockdowns, AOE stuns, skill increases, and other stuff all based on perks and done with bare fisted unarmed attacks in this mod.


So yes. it's possible.





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I think the problem is firing spells from punches only when they hit someone...


Yes, it's done in the mod. One of the perks is "Three power attacks in a row on the same target fires chain lightning". And "a blocked blow fires sparks".


All only triggered by a bare fisted hit on a target.


Check it out.

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Yep, saw the video and it looks great. Also downloaded it just now and took a look at the scripts. Looks like you got it to work by modifying the OnHit event in the ObjectReference script a little.


Yup, that's the hook I used to get in.

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you literally modified the onhit event? Is there a way to make your own event?


I'm asking because I was looking to attach a spell effect to a pair of gloves (like plain gloves) that could use something like this.

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Modifying the ObjectReference script could lead to compatibility problems if everyone starts doing it. Why not just add scripts to actors dynamically? The following method is kind of long and convoluted, but should be more compatible with other mods. It's what I got from a thread on the bethsoft forums:


1. Create a quest with a couple of optional reference aliases.

2. Optional reference aliases should use 'Find Matching Reference' in loaded area, closest, and the match conditions should be 'IsActor == 1' and 'HasSpell ScriptedAbility01 == 0'.

3. The optional reference aliases should come with a script or scripted ability.

4. The script should add ScriptedAbility01 to the actor if the actor doesn't have it. Then it should clear the reference alias.

5. Create a second quest with an update loop (I think 5 seconds should do it).

6. On update, the second quest should reset the first quest, and register for single update again.


That should dynamically add scripts to all actors.

Edited by fg109
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sounds overly complex :P


I only need it to happen at one part, and I have an excuse to keep it that way. Would have been cool to be permanent, but it didn't happen that way. However, I think we should work together as scripters for things like this, maybe we could expand upon some events and preset methods bethesda gives us to create more options, like what's displayed int he video. If we have a standard, there wouldn't be any conflicts. Also as long as it doesn't mess up the vanilla use of the event/function.


Just a thought.

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Modifying the ObjectReference script could lead to compatibility problems if everyone starts doing it.


I'm really not too concerned with compatibility. Tens of thousands of mods out there, all of which conflict with others in one way or another. And in the end, I'm not getting a paycheck based on how compatible my mod is with all these others, so if it works it works. Many hours of work here given out for free, take it or leave it.


Really, I could make a stripped down version of the engine that would be compatible with any other mod upon request.


I wen't down the "using quests" road at first, nowhere near as clean and flexible as this model. The scripts are Object Oriented, so I'm going to use Object Oriented principals to make it work the way I want it to. I started writing this just for me because of frustration with the lack of an unarmed game and decided to share it.


I'm getting some great comments, so this is for those people who, like me, have been wanting to do this in Skyrim for a long time.

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