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Racial bonus loss


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So a while ago I did use the showracemenu to change my character's name. When I checked my active effects all of my racial bonuses were still in place. Today I noticed that not only were my racial bonuses missing, but my birthsign abilities were missing as well.


I managed to re-add my birthsign using it's console command, but I can't use the "showracemenu" command to re-add racial bonuses. Are there any commands that I could use to arbitrarily give myself those bonuses back?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So you tired using the "showracemenu" and it didn't work?


I haven't come across any console code to help you in this. I do have an idea though. Its not the best way I'm sure since its more of a patch than a fix, but you could make yourself a ring or something that has the bonuses and abilities through the CS. However, that would put you down a ring slot unless you use something like Visibly Unlimited Rings and Amulets.

Edited by Daniel_shougun
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Either ways are not really meant to be used in a running game.


If you save with the console open and never actually press the last button, you will of course never "get" the racial bonuses of the race you changed to, nor should your actual race's bonuses and abilities get "removed".


If you do press the final button, you "should" in theory get stripped of the old abilities and the new ones should be added, but at the same time your skills reset and many other things go wonky. And then not even the exchange of abilities happens 100% guaranteed.


Doing the save-while-open approach there will also be issues with what your race is actually perceived as by the game world. It could happen you're of a totally different race than you get called by an NPC. I changed from an Argonian to a Breton once and still got called Argonian. Then again, I changed my main character's race back and forth so many times by now but everybody treats me as what I am now, one of my dragon races. So again, this is a random occurance and only makes "showracemenu" all but reliable a feature.


Additionally I've read of it working differently when called from console as when called from a script, so... I don't know. Just don't "expect" it to do what you think it does. It is by far not reliable under all circumstances.

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