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Skyrim crashing, need help


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Hey guys,


I need your help xD


I have about 140 Mods installed and Skyrim doesnt handle it very good.

Everytime I start the game I can play for about 5 minutes befor the game freezes and crashes...


Heres the list of my mods:


Aetherium Arsenal - Aetherium Arsenal Version 1.7

Alec the blind blade - a follower mod - Alec the blind blade1.1
Ancient Watchtowers - Ancient Watch Towers
Antennaria - Antennaria v2
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
Armory of The Favored Soul -
Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement - Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement
Artifacts - The Ice Blade of the Monarch - IceBladeoftheMonarch_2.3_4k_fixed
Awesome Artifacts - Awesome Artifacts
Azura's Shield SE - Azura's Shield SE ENG
Bani Katana - Bani Katana - 1 Handed
Beast Skeletons - Beast Skeletons 6.1
Bijin NPCs SE - Bijin NPCs SE 1.2.1
Bijin Wives SE - Bijin Wives SE 1.1.2
Blade of Rebirth - Blade of Rebirth
Castle Dracula - Castle Dracula
Celes Nightingale - DX Mini Armor Collection SSE - Celes Nightingale - UNP
Cleric Armours of the Nine Devines - Credo StandAloneMod SSE - Cleric Armours of the Nine Devines - SSE
Corvus - Swords of Nocturnal - Corvus - Swords of Nocturnal 1.1
Crafting Supplies - All In One - Crafting Supplies - All In One
Crainte Vomir by Hentai for Skyrim SE - CrainteVomir SE
Daedric Museum of Artifacts - Daedric Museum of Artifacts
Daedric Reaper - DX Mini Armor Collection SSE - Daedric Reaper -
Daedric Stealth Suit - Shadowcloak Armor - Daedric Stealth Suit - Hood Visible
DaggerCraftPackage - DaggerCraftPackage
Dagi-Raht Race - DagiRaht Race - Main
Dark Brotherhood Heavy Armor Set - Dark Brotherhood Armor Set BLACK AND RED Version 1.1
Dark Katana - Dark Katana
Darkburned Blade - Darkburned Blade
DCR - King Crusader Mega Pack - DCR_KingCrusaderMegaPack_SSE
Diamond Smithing Complete - Diamond Smithing Complete
Diverse Dragons Collection SE (DDCse) - Diverse Dragons Collection SE
Dragon Age Series Weapons - Dragon Age Weapons
Dragon Carved Armor Set - Dragon Carved Armor Set 1.41.
Dragonbone Barbarian Armors - Dragonbone Barbarian Armor - Female Only
Dragonslayer Bow and Siege Arrows SSE - Dragonslayer Bow and Siege Arrows SSE v1.0
Dragonspear - Dragonspear
Dread Knight Weapons Armory Sse - Dread Knight Weapons Set Sse
Dust Effects by HHaleyy - DustEffectsSSE
Dwarven Colossus - Mihail Monsters and Animals (SSE) (Mihail immersive add-ons - ESO) - (SSE PORT) Dwarven Colossus VERSION2
Dwemer Goggles and Scouter - Dwemer Goggles and Scouter
Easy Lockpicking - Easy Lockpicking
Easy Pickpocket - PickPocket100
Eidolon's Edge - Eidolon's Edge
Eimar's Edge SSE - Eimar's Edge SSE
Elemental Destruction Magic - Elemental Destruction Magic SE
Elven Silver Daggers by ClipsyMoon - Elven Silver Daggers Special Edition
Enhanced Blood Textures SE - Enhanced Blood Textures SE Unassigned
Enhanced textures detail (UV-tweaks) - Enhanced Textures Detail (UV-Tweaks)
ETHEREAL COSMOS - Special Edition - ETHEREAL COSMOS - Special Edition


Everfall Island - Everfall Island - Drawbridge version Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:42:46 11.02.2018 14:14:59 7723 1.1 / 1.1 Oldnotweak Extended Carryweight - Version 1 fixed for Special Edition Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:42:54 11.02.2018 13:57:55 1768 1.1SSE / 1.1SSE Norgur Falskaar - Falskaar V2_2 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:43:38 11.02.2018 14:30:32 23605 2.2 / 2.2 AlexanderJVelicky Fenrir Blades - Fenrir Blades Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:05:22 10.02.2018 20:02:55 18984 1 / 1 Billyro and JayCrane FF7ACBlades - FF7ACBlades Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:44:06 11.02.2018 14:24:29 28777 1.0 / 1.0 XvomTheMad Flesh Atronachs- Mihail Monsters and Animals (SSE) (mihail immersive add-ons - oblivion - shivering isles) - (sse port) FLESH ATRONACHS Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:44:18 11.02.2018 14:02:29 29130 1 / 1 Mihail Romanov Follower Elysia - Elysia Follower Ver.1.1 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:44:33 11.02.2018 14:06:07 34471 1.1 / 1.1 bigphil Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE - FNIS Behavior SE V7_0 Unassigned 10.02.2018 18:29:52 10.02.2018 18:19:53 37798 7.0 / 7.0 fore Frostvale Estate (SE) - Frostvale Estate (SE) Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:52:36 10.02.2018 19:49:55 2962 1.0 / 1.0 LD50365 Gothic Plate Armor - version 1 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:12:44 11.02.2018 13:56:18 24936 1.0 / 1.0 Toasty Fresh Harvest Overhaul Redone - Now with creatures - Harvest Overhaul Redone Plants 0.9.1 Unassigned 11.02.2018 13:53:08 11.02.2018 13:52:43 9265 0.9.1 / 0.9.1 Lyu Heavy Armory - New Weapons - Heavy Armory SE Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:00:33 10.02.2018 19:55:54 14653 3.3 / 3.3 PrivateEye Hessian Sword - Hessian Sword 4K Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:19:31 10.02.2018 20:19:18 14308 1.1 / 1.1 TheUgin Hjerim TNF- SSE port - Hjerim TNF SSE Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:44:42 11.02.2018 14:14:34 14486 0.3sse / 0.3sse goatk Horse Armors SSE - Horse Armors SSE Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:41:40 10.02.2018 19:24:54 8256 1.5 / 1.5 mystikhybrid and Amoveve Immersive Armors - Immersive Armors 8.1 SSE Test Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:46:10 10.02.2018 18:38:56 5924 8.1 / 8.1 Hothtrooper44 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul SE - Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:46:30 11.02.2018 14:07:45 19281 0.3.9a / 0.3.9a Arnaud dOrchymont Immersive Jewelry SSE - Immersive Jewelry SSE 1.05 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:12:30 10.02.2018 19:39:49 11851 1.05 / 1.05 Forteverum Immersive Wenches - Immersive Wenches SE Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:46:39 11.02.2018 14:07:53 11521 1.5.4SEb / 1.5.4SEb Kozuke Hajime Imps - Mihail Monsters and Animals (SSE)(mihail immersive add-ons - Oblivion - Cyrodiil) - (sse port) Imps Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:46:54 11.02.2018 14:02:55 39360 1 / 1 Mihail Romanov Induron_Ul_Mehalini_Khandin - Induron_Ul_Mehalini_Khandin_update_Scabbard_1_1 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:46:59 11.02.2018 14:24:55 36513 1.1a / 1.1a Indra Titana Insanitys Celtic Katana SSE - Insanitys Celtic Katana Full Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:05:25 10.02.2018 20:02:13 10962 1.2SE / 1.2SE InsanitySorrow Iron Atronach - Mihail Monsters and Animals (SSE) (mihail immersive add-ons - ESO - golem) - zIronAtronach.rar Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:47:03 11.02.2018 14:03:40 39949 1.1 / 1.1 Mihail Romanov Iron_Head tower shield - Iron_Head tower shield Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:15:13 10.02.2018 19:14:01 21187 1.0 / 1.0 ClipsyMoon Katana Crafting - SE - Katana Crafting SE Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:47:15 10.02.2018 20:01:45 20198 2.21c / 2.21c lautasantenni Kate Follower by dianka33 - Kate Follower SSE UNP 1.1.1 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:47:26 11.02.2018 14:05:34 38836 1.1.1 / 1.1.1 dianka33 - Ported to SSE by bchick3 and TKHBMVP Legend of the Eagles Nest SSE - Legend of the Eagles Nest SSE. New Fresh Facegen for NPCs to fix. Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:50:51 26536 1.5eSE / 1.5eSE Flaho Shi and Draco1122 Legendary Armors - Bikini SSE Beta - Legendary Armors - Bikini Complete SSE V4.0 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:48:45 10.02.2018 18:21:56 8246 4.0 / 4.0 cp44 Legendary Player Home Map Markers SSE - Legendary Player Home Map Markers Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:53:16 10.02.2018 19:48:04 11717 2 / 2 Kelsenellenelvian Liliths Lacerator-Custom Rapier and greatsword - Liliths Lacerator-Custom Rapier and greatsword Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:24:25 10.02.2018 20:24:04 29070 1.11 / 1.11 wiikki Lore Weapon Expansion SE - Lore Weapon Expansion Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:49:23 10.02.2018 20:01:07 25118 1.4c / 1.4c InsanitySorrow Lorkhan Moonlight Greatsword Reborn - Lorkhan Moonlight Greatsword Reborn Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:11:00 10.02.2018 20:10:41 21947 v1.4 / v1.4 FunkyGandalfCat Lost City - Lost City.esp Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:49:29 11.02.2018 13:59:29 36353 1.3 / 1.3 smokenboots Lurchers and Briarheart Trees- Mihail Monsters and Animals (SSE)(Mihail immersive add-ons - ESO -Forsworn) - (SSE PORT) LURCHERS AND BRIARHEART TREES V2 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:49:42 11.02.2018 14:02:53 30957 2 / 2 Mihail Romanov Maerlyn's Shields Vol. 1 - Maerlyn's Shields Vol. 1 Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:15:11 10.02.2018 19:14:53 20444 1.0 / 1.0 TheRealMaerlyn Merta Assassin - DX Mini Armor Collection SSE - Merta Assassin SE - UNP Unassigned 10.02.2018 18:43:05 10.02.2018 18:27:26 8038 1.0 / 1.0 Deserter X and Mitosuke More Weapons Please SE - MoreWeaponsPlease Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:59:55 10.02.2018 19:57:26 5906 1.1 / 1.1 Relinquish MultipleEnchantments - MultipleEnchantments Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:49:48 11.02.2018 14:09:36 27320 3.0.0 / 3.0.0 Decopauge123 Nameless Light - Nameless Light Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:19:13 10.02.2018 20:18:58 23184 1.0 / 1.0 FavoredSoul No BS AI Projectile Dodge (Magic and Arrows) - Immersive Projectiles Nondetection of Enemies - No BS AI Projectile Dodge - 1.2 alpha Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:49:52 11.02.2018 14:00:20 10629 1.2alpha / 1.2alpha Reize Open World Bosses - Open World Bosses Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:50:05 11.02.2018 14:04:31 14049 1.0 / 1.0 Haladoon ORI - Harkon's Sword - Blood Matron - ORI - Harkon"s Sword - Blood Matron Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:23:18 10.02.2018 20:22:59 36275 1.00 / 1.00 TONS Palaces and Castles Enhanced SSE - Palaces and Castles Enhanced SSE Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:51:05 10.02.2018 19:32:23 41275 V1.9 / V1.9 Sette Perfect Legionnaire - Imperial Armor Reforged 6-0 - Perfect Legionnaire 6.0 Unassigned 10.02.2018 18:29:15 10.02.2018 18:24:58 1008 6.0 / 6.0 Ali Bengali Perk Points Per Level - Perk Points Per Level Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:51:08 11.02.2018 14:18:12 17523 2.0 / 2.0 shad0wshayd3 Phenderix Magic World - Phenderix Magic World - Version 2.1.0 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:51:19 11.02.2018 14:21:12 34560 2.1.0 / 2.1.0 phenderix Radun Castle - Radun Castle v1.23 (Ultra SSE) Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:20:29 10.02.2018 19:20:02 16834 v1.23 / v1.23 ThoraSoldier Realistic AI Detection SE (better sneaking) - Realistic AI Detection 2 SE Lite Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:51:31 11.02.2018 14:18:51 28916 2.0 / 2.0 Olivier Doorenbos Recorder - Standalone Fully Voiced Follower - Recorder Follower BSA Ver. 3.0 Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:47:09 10.02.2018 19:46:32 12395 3.0 / 3.0 potasticpanda Refracting Stalhrim Armors and Weapons - UNP CBBE 7Base - Refracting Stalhrim Armors and Weapons Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:28:44 10.02.2018 20:26:24 8033 1.1 / 1.1 Skysan4298 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE - Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO Final Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:51:44 11.02.2018 14:09:00 1171 Final / Final cloudedtruth Sassy Teen Girls Special Edition - Sassy Teen Girls SE Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:54:41 10.02.2018 19:49:09 34381 2.5 / 2.5 triptherift Scythe Of The Crow Mother - Scythe Of The Crow Mother V1 Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:14:04 10.02.2018 20:13:22 5823 v1 / v1 FunkyGandalfCat Sedethul - Sedethul SSE Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:51:54 10.02.2018 20:19:48 42210 2.0 / 2.0 InBleedingRapture - ported to SSE by Hilli1 Seraphim Blade by Hentai for Skyrim SE - Seraphim Blade SE Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:21:39 10.02.2018 20:21:25 34444 SE1.0 / SE1.0 Sialuk for SE and Hentai for Oblivion Silver Sword and Shield of the DragonBlood - Silver Shield of the DragonBlood Sse Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:52:02 11.02.2018 14:24:07 23425 V.1 / V.1 L3st4t Six Enchants per Item - Extra Effects x3.esp v1.00 Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:20:56 10.02.2018 19:20:52 7643 1.00 / 1.00 SmithyPete Skallagrim's Armory Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:52:41 11.02.2018 14:33:49 41504 2.0 / 2.0 Hilli1 Skycutter - Skycutter Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:14:40 10.02.2018 20:14:23 23182 1.1 / 1.1 FavoredSoul SkyDream Maidens with In-Game Body Changer by VRApollo - VRDaphni - Farvat (Converted to SSE by bchick3) - SkyDream Maidens SSE - CBBE Standard and UNP Standard Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:53:24 11.02.2018 14:06:44 29085 1.0 / 1.0 VRApollo - VRDaphni - Farvat - converted to SSE by bchick3 Skyforge Shields SSE - Skyforge Shields SSE Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:18:06 10.02.2018 19:14:00 19731 1.0c / 1.0c Dreogan Skyforge Weapons SSE - Skyforge Weapons SSE Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:00:10 10.02.2018 19:58:20 12579 1.0b / 1.0b Dreogan Skyhaven Temple Courtyard - Skyhaven Temple Exterior Overhaul Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:16:37 10.02.2018 19:16:24 23854 1.0 / 1.0 jadenrenner Skyrim SE Expanded Skyrim Weaponry - Skyrim SE Expanded Skyrim Weaponry - NPC (OLD UPLOADER) Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:00:17 10.02.2018 19:55:27 3913 V1.01 / V1.01 Lrsamways Sneak Tools SE Edition - Sneak Tools (SE) 1.2 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:53:31 11.02.2018 14:18:47 14531 1.2 / 1.2 Haytur Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower - Sofia Follower v.2.51 (BSA) Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:47:20 10.02.2018 19:46:34 29077 2.51 / 2.51 John Jarvis and Christine Slagman SPOA Silver Knight Armor SE - SPOA Silver Knight Armor 2.0 Ultra 4K Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:53:43 11.02.2018 13:58:28 37699 2.0 / 2.0 dopalacz Storefront - Storefront Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:53:53 11.02.2018 14:10:27 522 2.0 / 2.0 Arthmoor Stormlord Armor - Stormlord Armor Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:12:36 11.02.2018 13:55:08 17953 1 / 1 Christian Paskota Superb Serana Special Edition - Serana CBBE SE Unassigned 10.02.2018 19:45:45 10.02.2018 19:45:33 26414 1.40SE / 1.40SE Excelsior2000 Sword of Ancient Tongues - Sword of Ancient Tongues Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:16:54 10.02.2018 20:16:31 42505 4.0 / 4.0 Corvalho - ported to SSE by Hilli1 Sword of the First Ember - Sword of the First Ember Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:16:30 10.02.2018 20:15:59 43722 1.0.1 / 1.0.1 N7R Talos Housecarl Armor Pack - Talos Housecarl Armor Pack Unassigned 10.02.2018 18:42:38 10.02.2018 18:30:03 12250 1.0 / 1.0 Maty743 tamu75 Witcher's Steel Sword - tamu75 Witcher's Steel Sword Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:02:45 10.02.2018 20:02:06 2674 1.0 / 1.0 tamu75 The Chiss - The Chiss Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:54:01 11.02.2018 14:18:07 1808 1.0 / 1.0 Alex The Dragon Wall - Main File Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:25:10 10.02.2018 20:24:47 4581 1.0 / 1.0 lowbudgetbatman The Infinity Sword SE - Infinity Sword 2.0SE Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:17:01 10.02.2018 20:16:38 15127 2.0SE / 2.0SE DMagnus UNP Female Body Renewal - A female face and body replacer - UNP Female Body Renewal 4.3 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:55:13 11.02.2018 14:13:17 38930 4.3 / 4.3 dimon99-Phygit-Vectorcide-hello santa-Reize Urielle the Archangel follower SSE - Redone - Urielle SSE - Custom outfit - Snow Wings - v1.6 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:55:30 11.02.2018 14:05:45 44930 1.6 / 1.6 dadadacool - Ported to SSE by bchick3 VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE - VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE 2.0 Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:55:42 11.02.2018 14:00:17 30558 2.0 / 2.0 Reko Visual Animated Enchants - VAE - Visual Animated Enchants Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:55:54 11.02.2018 14:10:38 22536 V.2 / V.2 L3st4t Volkihar Knight - Vampire Armor - Volkihar Knight Unassigned 10.02.2018 18:26:39 10.02.2018 18:24:27 12889 0.3.2 / 0.3.2 Yamanotaka Windstad Mine - Skyrim Special Edition - Windstad Mine - Skyrim Special Edition Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:56:04 11.02.2018 14:11:41 7720 V.9 / V.9 Skvindt Witchhunter Spells and Prayers Pack - Special Edition - Witchhunter Spell and Prayers Pack - Special Edition Unassigned 11.02.2018 14:56:12 11.02.2018 14:09:50 2379 v1.3 / v1.3 Robbie XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE - XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended Unassigned 10.02.2018 18:27:13 10.02.2018 18:19:51 37607 4.20 / 4.20 Groovtama Zim's Immersive Artifacts V1.4 Unassigned 10.02.2018 20:28:25 10.02.2018 20:26:32 33562 1.4 / V1.4 Zimmermjaz

Thanks for any help

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