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Housecarls Move To Your New Home


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I was just curious if anyone thought of this one yet.


You know how your housecarls (if you have the house or not for their city) will always go back to their original location in their city?

It's annoying how I have to go to each individual city and get them.


So I was thinking it would be nice to have a spell (Like the spouse can live anywhere) and designate where the housecarls return to!

Because I have a mod home and I want them to move to that house not their individual spawn locations!


Please and thank you!

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Followers Can Relax mod




Using a multiple follower mod you can tell many followers to wait at your home, like an army on stand by. Add Fixed Followers Lite and the three work well in tandem. It's the closest you'll get as you won't be able to send them to a new home, you can only tell them to wait there when you are in it... For now anyway.


Would be nice for another dialogue prompt to come up when you do tell them to go home, which would be the Housecarl/follower asking which home to go to.

Edited by ProjectVRD
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