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Making Changes to Power Armor and Fusion Cores


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Hello, I'm relatively new to modding Fallout 4, and I want to make some changes to the way fusion cores work in power armor. As it is, when a fusion core is expended, a new core will be magically removed from your inventory and placed into the back of the power armor.


I want to change that to make it so one must manually insert a new fusion core. As a trade-off, fusion cores would last 10 times longer.


I would imagine that the fusion cores being removed from one's inventory and placed into the power armor is a scripted event; or at least I would hope so, as that would make things much easier for me.


The second issue is making fusion cores last 10 times longer. I wouldn't even know where to begin in addressing that.


If anyone could point me in the right direction I would very much appreciate it.

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Suppose you would edit the script dealing with replacing the fusion core, and leave the code for entering it the same, and then edit the fusion core with another 0 on the end for 10x effect. Can't imagine why it would be any harder than that, but then I don't have my pc to test or look at it.


Someone might best me to it, seems I won't have pc back till end of week.

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