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Nexus mod manager difficulty


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Brand new in the PC gaming master race trying to get things set up. I have the newest version of windows. I'm running into some problems.

When I click on the download nexus mod manger button a popup appears saying, I would have to look for NXM in the Microsoft app store and of course there's not one there. If anyone has the time your input would be appreciated.

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It's been awhile since I used NMM, but I know that the app store has nothing to do with it. Its just the Windows way of suggesting solutions to apps it can't open. You need to configure your NMM to automatically open the mod files, or download them manually, and then add them as an archive. It would be a good idea to look up a tutorial on how to setup NMM.

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Brand new in the PC gaming master race trying to get things set up. I have the newest version of windows. I'm running into some problems.

When I click on the download nexus mod manger button a popup appears saying, I would have to look for NXM in the Microsoft app store and of course there's not one there. If anyone has the time your input would be appreciated.


Run nexus mod manager as administrator

Click settings

Under general you should see Associations

Click associate with nxm url's

Then click ok


If that doesn't work then go to settings then download options and there should be an option called fix it.

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