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0 Happiness Bug - What Does It Matter


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I have a new playthrough and one of the new settlements that I added (mod) has the 0 happiness bug. I usually just go back to a previous save and reload until it registers 50 when you first open the workbench. However I must have reloaded from the wrong save and I used one where I opened the workbench and had 0 happiness. What a dumb a$$. :)

Now I did a whole lot of other stuff and do not want to go back. What does this bug do? I do not care about happiness and could not care less if it stays at 0 but what other issues may arise.

Thanks for any replies.

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You can eventually get kicked out of workshop ownership, the settlement becomes unallied so you cant use the workshop. The only material issue is that it no longer counts towards MM keystone quests that depend on the number of allied settlements. Otherwise, why care ... less to look after.

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I'm adding this in case someone searches for this topic in the future.


If you open the console and click on the offending workbench that shows 0 happiness, then type in setav 129157 50 this will set the settlement happiness at 50. This will probably lock in the happiness at 50 but you may not get kicked out of the settlement.


I still have to walk through it to see if it messes anything up, but this might be a poor mans work around for a stubborn settlement that will not show that 50 happiness to start with.


If anyone sees any drawbacks with this method please let us know. Thanks.

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You should use modav to add 50 rather than setav to fix 50 as the workshopscript data array may take issue. Update: excellent read on the subject HERE


The other workaround is to a) dismiss your good companion b) kill all the unallied settlers* which should c) mark the location as [cleared] again and allow you to d) take ownership again.


(*) not sure if any workshop or settler npc factions will turn hostile.

Edited by SKK50
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