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HUDframeworks config holotape help


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I've made a mod with hudframeworks to display the players current and max carry weight on the HUD, but I cannot find any information about how to go about making a config holotape. This would be mainly for adjusting the position of the widget on the screen and enable/disabling. I've been able to move the widget with keybinds, but I can't figure out how to implement hudframeworks into a terminal/holotape item, or if this is even possible. Another option is an MCM menu, but I haven't found any information on that either.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. The mod made my life a whole lot easier and I'd like to share it, it's just missing config settings.

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Can't tell you if it'is possible, I don't know how widgets work. in game. If there are any Papyrus functions to adjust your HUD, then you are good to go with a holotape menu. Find any holotate, duplicate. Find any submenu terminal file (i.e. hackerTurretAmmoHolotapeSubMenu) , duplicate. Change names, texts etc. Open the holotape and select your terminal record in the drop down menu. You can add additional submenus to any text entry in your terminal record.

To make adjustable settings you'll need to add script fragments. But I just don't know if there are any papyrus function that match your purpose.

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Function SetWidgetPosition(string asWidgetID, float afX = 0.0, float afY = 0.0, bool abTemporary = False) native
Function ModWidgetPosition(string asWidgetID, float afDeltaX = 0.0, float afDeltaY = 0.0, bool abTemporary = False) native
float[] Function GetWidgetPosition(string asWidgetID) native

Those are the three native functions to HUD Framework to reposition the HUD via script. Either dump them in as a script fragment for a holotape, or include as an MCM function. Personally, I don't give the user finite pixel by pixel control because it's a pain in the butt to exit whatever menu they're faceplanted in to check if the HUD widget is where they want it, and then go back in to adjust it again. Usually I just give some predefined locations listed in an MCM drop down.

Edited by Carreau
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