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More Hotkeys Please non functioning


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So, I've not played Skyrim in sometime. When I last played I had a working set of mods. I've updated a few of them, like the Unofficial Patch, but most haven't changed, not even SKSE. So I start a new game and make my way down to Riverwood where I stop to configure things. I am not seeing More Hotkeys Please in the MCM menu, there is a power to start a basic configuration setup but it's pretty hokey (haven't gotten it figured out yet). So I uninstalled More Hotkeys Please, deleted it entirely, redownloaded it, and reinstalled it, no go. It just doesn't show up in the MCM. I am trying to setup a cyclic hotkey (I play a mage character, so a basic 'equip then cast Oakflesh then reequip what ever I had equipped previously' cyclic hotkey). What could possibly be wrong with it? O.o


My Load Order - https://pastebin.com/09yZgELZ

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