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coc makers not working


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Markers, not makers (sorry)


I have spent hours trying to make a coc destination work. I am using the Static COCMarkerHeading and for reference id I have "EncounterA". Tha marker is in Tamriel, in the ourdoors. But it does not work. What is missing?





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COC markers are used in conjunction with the cell name, not the reference id. I thought the same thing.


-- You usually only see them used in interior cells not exteriors. They may work outside, I'm not sure but I'd try using the cell name again and not the reference id.

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problem: works fine if the numbers are positive, but something like cow Tamriel -29 -13 executes with the player being in the same place. Does not move the player. Any workaround?
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problem: works fine if the numbers are positive, but something like cow Tamriel -29 -13 executes with the player being in the same place. Does not move the player. Any workaround?

Some of the exterior cells already have coc markers in them that are part of the game. Only 1 coc is permitted per cell. Maybe that's what's causing the problem, although the CK shouldn't let you place another one there.

Another possibility is your trying to move to an out of bounds area/cell, or inside a mountain.



I just noticed this -

...but something like cow Tamriel -29 -13

You are remembering to put a comma between the numers. That line should read -


cow Tamriel -29,-13

Edited by Tamb0
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If you're exterior cell is a wilderness cell you can rename it, then coc will work.


Name your cell something unique like MyCell1

then in the console type coc mycell1

it will teleport you to the coc marker if you have one, otherwise you will end up somewhere else in the cell (usually on the last object placed)

If the exterior already has a name just use that. I've read it's bad practice to rename already named exterior cells for mod compatibility and stuff.

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DangerManzo: The exterior cells I need to use are mostly called "Wilderness". Would love to rename a few, but it won't let me. How do you do it? I tried edit, double clicking, I just do not see the option.
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