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coc makers not working


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Getting closer, having a hellish time teleporting the player to the world space I renamed ad "Encounter1" . I deffined in the script both as a String and as cell location the variable "Ambush1" and set it to equal "Encounter1" but either way the player is not teleported. Does not work from the command prompt either.


I do not want to use the fast travel command as it is the fast travel event I am using to tie this inot. Time pases when you use fast travel, and it would result in too much time passing.


The screen goes black as if it was working and after a while it comes back but the player is in the same place. Does that mean it is working but that the destination is invalid?


Is there a better way to teleport the player form a surface location to another cell location?


if RandomInt() < 99


;move player to fight area

Debug.MessageBox("You are ambushed on the way!")

PlayerRef.PlaceActorAtMe (Ambushers1, attackers).StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer())

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The move to command works great! And you solved my renaining issue which was how to move the players companion as well. Thank you again!!!!
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