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Unexplained Suffixes

David Brasher

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is'nt ak the scripts way of saying it's pointing towards an alias? i know the KMY is used in fragments, but if that suffix is used in the script itself im not sure what it points to.

Im not a scripter, i only script when i have to so someone might have a better answer for that.

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Those are actually prefixes. :tongue:


The quest stage fragments have the special variable 'kmyQuest' that you can set to a specific script attached to the quest.


The dialogue fragments have the special variables 'akSpeaker' and 'akSpeakerRef' to refer to the currently speaking actor or object reference.


The package fragments have the special variable 'akActor' to refer to the actor executing the package.


Those are the only ones I actually use. Check the fragments category for all the special variables.

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