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Modf to animated prostitution mod


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Hi, I am new in the forum, so I excuse me if I make some errors.

I posted this topic also in "request mod forum", but I do not have any hint.

I play Skyrim "alternate life" mod like a female in the sinked boat.



"I have excaped the boat and arrived on earth. Here I meet some men. I have little money and to survive I have decided to sell my body".


So, I have installed "animated prostitution" mod, but I am not able to ask money. I remember a mod in New Vegas where there is a check if you have 50 caps.

Can anybody tell me how to make this change: ask for money (10 gold, or more depending from speechcraft, for example) and, if the patner has the money, start the animation. This is more like real life. I do not like use the "console" to obtain the money.

Thank very much (excuse my poor english)

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