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Dynamic attachment object texture


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Is it possible for an object mod like gun attachment to work in such a way that it will use the texture of its parent object.
compensator as the modded object
10mm pistol (gun paint available black, red, blue) as the parent object it will be attached into
1. when a compensator is created from workbench and attached to 10mm pistol color black then compensator color becomes black.
2. when a compensator is created from workbench and attached to 10mm pistol color blue then compensator color becomes blue.


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It should be possible, bit you'd need to make separate material swaps for each and every piece you wanted to recolour, as most weapons have around 4 or 5 parts, that's a lot of retexturing and a lot of material files to create, and getting the colours to match exactly with the "parent" texture would also be ... wearying.

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