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WIPAG 2.0 Alpha Testing Available Now


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This is an enormous change from the vanilla Power Armor system and adds a massive amount of flexibility and options to PA users. These changes/additions are 100% compatible with AWKCR, VIS and "should" be 100% compatible with every Custom PA Armor, Paint or Mod without the need for any compatibility patches as long as they are using AWKCR!!

Included in this release is the new Power Armor Specialization system, Coatings, Plating and a Tiered Progression system where you can tune your armor for the following roles.

1. Recon - (Light Weight Class) Ultra Light, Very Fast, Jumps High and has superior carry weight (because of its light weight) Ideal for getting from one place to another quickly and scouting out locations. Does not have as good of defense as the other specializations.

2. Assault - (Medium Weight Class) Medium Weight, Medium Speed, Best mid ranged DPS as its designed for medium ranged combat. Bonuses for energy damage, aiming stabilization but not as good of defense as Heavy Assault.

3. Heavy Assault - (Heavy Weight Class) High Defense but lower damage bonuses than Assault and is slower with low carry weight. Can take a ton of damage and still dish it out pretty nice!

4. Wastelander - (Medium Weight Class) Superior exploration in high Rad areas. Similar to Assault but more geared for exploration and dealing with Radiation. Does not have as much damage bonuses as Assault and Brawler but is great all around survival type specialization as its very balanced and has great Rad protection. Also gets AOE healing effect, great for companions.

5. Brawler - (Medium Weight Class) Superior Hand to Hand Combat spec. Gets bonuses for melee damage and higher damage AOE effects than all other specializations. No similar defense and damage bonuses as Assault only they all apply to melee damage instead of ranged.

6. Sniper - (Light Weight Class) Lightweight, low defense superior aiming stability and the best bonuses in damage available. Is also the second fastest specialization as it's in the same class as Recon.

Each of these roles can be applied to ANY PA model (Support for custom PA mods like X-02, X-03, Submersible PA etc coming soon). Each specialization grants access to certain mods that boost its abilities in certain areas giving each specialization major advantages and disadvantages. These changes allow you to control the way your PA performs in ways you have never been able to before.

Specialization Kits:

When you first craft a set of Advanced Power Armor you can either apply a vanilla kit for free (which makes the armor perform like Vanilla PA armor) or you can craft a Specialization Kit.

This Specialization KIT sets the armor item to that specialization and unlocks the ability to choose the plating for your armor. By default, a newly crafted piece of Advanced Power Armor has no stats. All the stats for armor are applied by adding plating and the armor.

Another part of the specialization KIT is that it sets what Mods will be available for that piece of armor. For example, if it's a Brawler Arm item you will have access to higher tiers of Hand to Hand combat Mods, whereas if its a Recon Leg Armor you will have access to higher tiers of Speed mods. The Specialization dictates literally everything about the armor and what you have access to.

NOTE: ALL Specializations have access to ALL MODS it's only the TIER that is limited to the specialization. So you can add Unarmed Combat mods to a Recon Part they just won't be nearly as powerful as if it is Brawler Spec.


Plating is similar to the old LININGS and adds Health, AC, Energy and Radiation Defense and Weight to the armor piece. Plating comes in 3 tiers and is unlocked with different level requirements. This way you can start using the Advanced PA system fairly early in your game and it isn't too overpowered. These requirements are still being fine-tuned!

Plating comes in the following types each with 3 tiers. Steel, Aluminum, Ceramic, Carbon Fiber, Tungsten Steel, and Fiberglass.

Plating also unlocks the Coatings, but here is the catch, the Plating tier you apply dictates the Coating tiers that are available. For example, if you are using Tier 2 Plating you can only use Tier 1 or 2 coatings for that item. Therefore to use Tier 3 Coatings you have to use Tier 3 Plating. This is subject to change based on community input.

Plating Enhancements:

Plating Enhancements are basically MATERIALS. There are 24 as of now in 3 tiers each.

They add additional stats to the armor the same way Materials did only there are A LOT more of them to choose from.

There is not much to say about coatings other than that the strength of them is still being balanced.


As with the old version of WIPAG, there are multiple slots for each PA piece. This allowed you to apply multiple modifications to a single item.

This has not changed!

Now, however, there are over 70 different mods and between 1-9 Tiers of strength per mod (the ones with only 1 tier are mods like targeting hud etc.)

Each specialization has access to certain tiers of these mods. There is another catch though. Some of the highest level tiers are only available by sacrificing one of your available slots.

For example, Recon gets 5 Tiers of Storage Racks, Tier 4 and 5 but requires an Improved Power Module. This module goes into the Secondary Slot for chest and when added UNLOCKS Tier 4 and 5 storage racks.

Many high tier mods work this way.

It's another thing you need to consider when creating your PA. Are you willing to sacrifice access to certain mods in order to gain MUCH bigger advantages in other areas?

This system is still being fine-tuned as are all the mod strengths to make it balanced.

One thing to note: These special HIGH TIER mods are significantly more powerful than the vanilla versions (if they exist in vanilla). This is why they are gated behind a system where you have to make a choice. Keeps it balanced!

Weight changes:

This mod will change how weight in the game works for ADV. POWER ARMOR ONLY. All Mods, Coating, and Plating WILL impact your carry weight (Still being implemented). This is done for a specific reason. The heavier your PA the less you should be able to carry. There are many modifications such as Storage Racks that help you increase your carry weight so this is something you can factor into your build and will encourage the use of some of the lighter weight Specs for certain tasks like Farming and Recon etc.

This system is still in development so at this point only the plating affects the Carry weight. Eventually, all mods and Coatings will as well.

Don't worry, you will be able to create a PA set that has huge carry weight, it just won't perform like a Heavy Assult Speced set of PA and won't have nearly the defense.

Debuff System:

Because of how the new "Specialization" system works and how mods are applied you will be able to "Mix" your specializations and sometimes cheat the system i.e. Recon Legs and Brawler Arms

This is because the game was not designed to work the way I am using it. To fix this I am introducing a new Debuff system that will recognize when you have mixed different specializations on the same PA Frame This debuff will slow you down dramatically making to remind you that you have mixed specs. For those that WANT to be able to mix specializations (Recon legs with Assault Chest for example), there will be an option to do this with no penalty.


Crafting advanced PA will require not only special components to create but also special tools that you must find, purchase or craft.

There are 4 Tiers of components: Raw, Basic, Complex and Advanced

Raw materials are found in the game and used to make basic components which in turn are used in complex and advanced components. This will be further implemented at some point using contraptions which will eventually be required for creating everything except for the raw materials (If you have the DLC, otherwise they are created in the AK Crafting table).

Like the earlier versions of WIPAG these crafting recipes will be very difficult to craft in comparison to Vanilla recipes, repairs, but, will NOT be as difficult as they were in the past versions of WIPAG. Basically, Advanced PA will be HARD to craft but EASY to repair.


Paints have not changed yet for 2.0 but there will be huge changes to the paint system soon and will be announced.


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  • 2 months later...

That would require an entire new mechanic since you cant mod a frame, its used as a container and an object.


craft entire new frames that use a different texture, which is not modding the frame.


And he said hes got a lot on his plate, maybe look into it yourself?!

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