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Water LOD distance


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Does anybody know a mod or setting change that improves the looking of water from the distance.

Water looks when you stand e.g. in the distance looking down to a lake just light blue.

Only when you are getting closer to the lake you then reache the point of distance where the real water textures appear in a sudden popup.

This is really annoying and unrealistic after having modded everything else to look great and you have then this unrealistic water looking from the distance.

I tried to incease many LOD settings in the .ini file but they are not changing anthying concerning the water. So water textures are still only loaded when you are quite close to the water but not when you are e.g. standing in the farer distance

Does anybody know a mod for this or can give me the right setting to tweak in the .ini files?

I did not found anything when searching about this execpt this thread that got no answer yet.


Thanks for your help in advance.

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