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[Papyrus] How to communicate with other?


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I'm just getting into papyrus scripting and it makes fun... somehow, but I still don't see the benefits of it compared to obl/fallout scripting. I got the feeling the efforts are doubled to do the easiest things, like calling messagebox or else. Aaanyway, let's get to the topic:



So how do I let scripts communicate with each other?



As example:

So have this activator: On activation I want to call a message but I don't want it to handle the code. Instead I would like to have a "message-quest" doing all message related stuff and have it sending the player-button-choices back to the activator.


In Fallout I would do it like this:

Begin OnActivate Player

    if IamAfoodActivator == 1
       set MessageQuest.FoodMenu to 1
    elseif IamAweaponActivator == 1
       set MessageQuest.WeaponMenu to 1



Inside the Quest it would go like this:

Begin GameMode

  If FoodMenu == 1
     showMessage FoodMessage
     set FoodMenu to 2

  elseif FoodMenu == 2

     set Button to GetButtonPressed

     if Button == 1
       set IamAfoodActivator.Choice to 1           ; activator would spawn a nuka cola
       set FoodMenu to 0
     elseif Button == 2
       set IamAfoodActivator.Choice to 2           ; activator would spawn a mutfruit
       set FoodMenu to 0


Something I'm specifically looking for is how to set a reference:

If Self == IamSuperMutant
  if ReferenceQuest.SuperMutantRef == 0
     set ReferenceQuest.SuperMutant to IamSuperMutant


So that's the story. I haven't understood yet how to enable "communications" between script/object. If anyone can point me to a tutorial or enlighten me here, my thanks would be endless :thumbsup:

Edited by portbash
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Scriptname ExampleActivatorScript extends ObjectReference

Quest property MessageQuest auto
Activator property FoodActivator auto
Activator property WeaponActivator auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
if (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer())
	if (GetBaseObject == FoodActivator)
		(MessageQuest as MessageQuestScript).FoodMenu()
	elseif (GetBaseObject == WeaponActivator)
		(MessageQuest as MessageQuestScript).WeaponMenu()


Scriptname MessageQuestScript extends Quest

Message property FoodMessage auto
Message property WeaponMessage auto

Function FoodMenu()
int choice = FoodMessage.Show()
if (choice == 0)
	;do stuff
elseif (choice == 1)

Function WeaponMenu()
int choice = WeaponMessage.Show()
if (choice == 0)
	;do stuff
elseif (choice == 1)


Remember to set your properties.

Edited by fg109
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Alright it worked! :wub:


And similar to this:

I'm casting a spell and due the Actor definition in the event header, I got the spell target reference. Now, OnEffectFinish the spell calls a function and inside this function the spell target reference is unknown.


How do I pass the spell target from the effect events to the following function?

EDIT: woah this was such an easy thing


Passing the reference to a quest?

How do I pass the spell target reference to a quest and visa versa? (I really got confused with this one)

EDIT: this was a tricky one


And another one:

A way to set a NPC's name as a variable into a messagebox.


On NPC Ysolda the message would say: Ysolda shout eat more.


EDIT: still messing with this one

Edited by portbash
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