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[WIP] Knowledge is Power


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Long Version:


Today I started to work on my first ever mod, the idea for the mod is quite simple: change how skills books and (maybe) training works.

What I had in mind was to make skill books more useful, more practical and more realistic by making them increase the experience you gain in that skill instead of bumping your skill level from x to x+1.


I started that by transforming the skill books into spell books that would grant the player an upgradable perk that increase expericen gained by 2/4/6/8/10%.

This makes more sense to me since reading a book should make you swing a sword faster, or be more accurate with a bow, but help you do so.

I should have a playable version shortly, but the main reason I started this thread was in hope of getting help for the second part of the mod I had in mind which an overhaul of how training works.



What I imagined for training was also to make it more realistic and more useful, I always thaught that the way training worked was kinda clunky, training prices were outreagous and you could always get to level it to the cap on your own, making Speech the only skill paying a trainer for worth it.

Besides I felt that a master of an art should be able to bring you something that you could not be able to achieve on your own, and thus the idea of the mod was to make trainers able to train you beyond the skill cap (With either a perk or use of the ModAV command) but make it a one time transaction (Or even a quest) that requires you to have reached a certain level in that skill.

Although this part would require modding skills far beyond mine, so that's why I ask that if either of you wished to help mein anyway, I'd be very grateful.



Short Version:


Skill Books:(Comming shortly)

-They now act a spell books

-Increase the experience you gain the appropriate skill by 2% each (10% when all skill books aquired)

-Migt change that value to 3% to balance the fact that very few people are gonna get all 5 skill books of a shool before reaching the cap.



Training: (Need help on that)

-Train only once with each trainer.

-Need a certain level of skill before training.

-Boost in skill is permanent and can go beyond the level cap. (Like a fortify skill enchantment or ModAV command)




That will be all for now, hoping to come back soon with an update.

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