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Help with designing and creating a completely new weapon


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Im having trouble finding any decent tutorials on how to create a weapon from scratch on FONV. Although its a lot to ask, i am wondering if anyone could possibly help me with designing a new weapon. Im relatively new to this and i am having trouble with it. If anyone at all could point out a tutorial that tells me what i need, or possibly add me on skype so they can walk me through it, it would be much appreciated.

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i have never actually created a weapon or for that matter a mod, from scratch but if id have to guess... to make a weapon for fallout from scratch you simply need to learn how to make any 3d model from scratch, (make sure its .obj) once you do that you just need to find the scale of a real weapon model of fallout and match it, then just get it in a .nif using nifscope..by eather swiching an existing weapon model with yours (in nifscope import the obj into the "NiTriShape" of the actual mesh), or making a brand new one... wich i have no idea how.

wish i could be more helpful.


good luck ^^

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