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Fallout new Vegas body mods disabled when game starts


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I recently deleted the game and reinstalled via steam. Game loads and played fine. I only have 2 mods, breeze males and type 3 ( for females ) both mods installed normal and allowed me to select what textures I wanted but when I launch the game via NVSE they donât work and when I reopen nexus they are disabled. What am I doing wrong? Please help. Do I need to modify a ini file or add lines to one?
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From the sound of things, you are using NMM as your "mod manager", and have not really understood what is going on behind the "download with NMM" button.


There are three steps to installing a mod:

* download from the internet server to your hard drive;

* unpacking the downloaded archive file from your hard drive into the "mod manager" as a "mod";

* and finally installing/enabling the mod's "plugins" and "art assets" in the game.


In the case of "Mod Organizer" and "NMM": they start from the context of an "empty Data folder", and when you select a "game profile" that tells them which mods (listed under that profile) to copy links from into the "Data" folder and enable for that game session. When the game closes down, those links are then removed from the "Data" folder, so it is empty again


Edit: Now "body replacers" are slightly unique mods, in that they are primarily mesh and texture files. They can "overwrite" vanilla game files that are "loose" in the hard drive folder, but most reside in BSA files. As such I believe they need to go into an "Overwrite" folder in the mod manager "profile", and you have to toggle the "ArchiveInvalidation" button in the mod manager "off-and-on again" so the game knows to check for loose files first. This has to be done every time you add mesh or texture files to your "install order".


Please see tutorials linked under the 'Mod Managers' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. You should probably also take a look at the "Body Replacement Basics" section as well.


Edited by dubiousintent
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Thanks for the reply. To be honest I have been moding for several years in fact my Skyrim game has over 125 mods and runs fine. I seem to only have a issue with male body mods and some textures from the mod “ The Couriers Cache” both mods installed fine but the breeze male body mod has character in underwear when in clothed. The other mod works except for any clothe textures have the dreaded red exclamation point even with archive invalidation. I am using the NMM invalidation because I heard if you down load and install it the 2 will cancel each other out. The game was working fine but I simply decided to start fresh and did a clean install and that is when I started having problems . I am afraid there is a file that should be changed to Not Read Only but not sure which one. Any other ideas? Thanks again
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As a general rule, any mod that is installed after others that wants to "overwrite" should be allowed to do so, unless you truly understand why not in a specific instance. Body replacements are like any other replacements. They are intended to overwrite existing loose files. (The vast majority of the original vanilla files are in BSAs, which why it is essential to toggle "ArchiveInvalidation" off-and-on-again after installing.) The sequence in which you install your mods (the "install order") is crucial to this. Only the last file to overwrite any of the same name and path "wins" the conflict.


The only file I might considered setting to "Read Only" is the "Fallout_Default.INI" file. But even that I edit to keep in sync with the others, after making a backup of it, so it will rebuild the others with the changes if necessary. I much prefer backups to relying upon the "ReadOnly" flag because it is possible for a program to still make changes to a RO file. A flag can be ignored by a "misbehaving" program that ignores the "traffic rules" of the OS. (They have to work at it, but it can be done.)


Please see the 'Solutions to Mesh (Red "!" icon) or Texture (solid color) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. The 'Issue: Body Replacer - Custom Body Types' and related 'Body Replacer -' entries have some additional suggestions over those in the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


Edited by dubiousintent
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