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Tracking Files


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A dumb question but how do I track mods so I know which ones to upgrade when the NMM says they can be upgraded? I also use the SKY UI and cannot figure out how to examine items ininventory. Like the golden claw used in Bleak Barrows.
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I'm not really sure what you're asking with your first question. Doesn't the NMM tell you what the latest version is? Just click on that link and it will take you directly to the mod on Nexus.


As for examining the dragon claw, once you've selected it in your inventory, click on the image you see. You can move your mouse around to rotate the claw. If you then use the scroll button (at least on my machine) you can "pull" the claw to a closer view -- still not great for viewing the symbols on my monitor, but better than nothing. Note that the scroll button might work differently on your computer. I had to fiddle with the settings for my mouse to get it to work like my last mouse and that included the behavior of the middle button, which is also my scroll wheel.

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