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Rail gun


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A rail gun, similar design to the one from battlefield (just a suggestion but its up to you) but the catch is it uses both 2mm elector mag cartridges AND railway spikes as ammo. Slow fire rate with a 1 round mag but high damage that scales with science and the sniper skill (the semi auto rifles one, can't remember the name). Just like the railway rifle it can pin limbs. You get it off tinker tom (from him when you do the courser chip quest). Customization can be scopes/sights, the receivers can be changed to use fusion cells (less dmg) or fusion cores (more dmg) either 1 core 1 shot 1000 dmg kind of thing or 1 core 10/20/30 shots (this is just a concept) then the barrel can be upgraded to increase damage (independent of the ammo type) and range, and then the coils can be upgraded to improve fire rate (charge speed) and lastly the muzzle can be equipped/changed to charge the projectile with energy as it leaves the gun (heating coils = fire dmg, plasma = plasma damage ext)

Like I said this is just a concept I though would be awesome to have in game. Do with it as you please.

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