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Can't remember mod name - landscaping for flattening ground


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I saw it on a video but I can't remember the name now.


Basically it flattens the ground of settlements (or at least allows you to landscape them to look flatter or dug in). So if you wanted perfect placement of your roads/houses, or if you wanted to look like your settlement has a crater or cave-in, you can do that as well.

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just to be clear, are you looking for a mod to shape the landscape yourself through the settlement/workshop menu, or a mod that already flattens/levels out the terrain for you?


if it's the former, you can try checking out Ground by wim95, or the recent Grounded by Sarinia. very similar mods overall, but differing in a few ways it seems. wim's mod is more complete as of writing this and seems like it focuses on altering landscape for farming and agricultural purposes. Sarinia has said she's got more she's been working on for her mod, though it already looks pretty great imo, so i'll probably hold off until she updates it before i test it out.


if you want settlements flattened for you, jenncave has seemingly put a lot of TLC into her clean and simple series of mods, and this mod which was designed for working with Sim Settlements. i'm sure there's several other mods for flattening/levelling settlements but these have been updated fairly recently as well.

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