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How to Set Level Cap


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i am not talking about the cap at which if all skill were trained. (level 81 in vanilla)


i am talking about how you can set your character to a certain level, at which point your character would stopped leveling and obtaining perks no matter how much he/she levels in any skills. (like the fallout 3 level 30 cap with skyrim skilling elements)


the reason i ask this is because i prefer a low level cap, as i wish to have a low amount of perks for greater challage(around the same level cap as fallout) so i would appreciate someone would tell me how could i do this. (with mods or tools)

Edited by drdrack1000
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  • 8 years later...

So I am gunna necro the hell out of this one. 8 years later still no answer? I am using a lot of mods including Experience, Ordinator, and revenge of the enemies. I would like to set a max level of 81 like in default skyrim in order to stop my character from leveling up past that. This is a way to keep my game balanced and keep me from out leveling enemies.

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  • 4 years later...

It's not a mod, but I have a "solution" that I'm going to use for myself. Level normally to 81, use skytweak to set level up stats to 0, and periodically set level back to 80 using the setlevel command. I don't particularly care about my player becoming overpowered, but I am sick and tired of random bandits outleveling my followers, atronachs and summons to the point that they barely serve as meat shields. For my needs, this works.

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