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Help, please! Trouble with dialogue from mod not showing up in ga


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Hi. I'm having some trouble with one of my mods. The problem is not in my game, but rather someone who has downloaded my mod is having trouble getting it to work. The mod seems to be working fine for most people (at least no one else has complained of this issue), however, one person is experiencing trouble with the dialogue options not showing up at all. I've been trying to help them figure out the issue, but I've exhausted my knowledge at this point, and I'm turning to the community hoping someone can help. I'm a beginning modder, so I'll admit I don't have a lot of experience troubleshooting mods. I'm hoping that someone here with much greater experience and knowledge will be able to suggest something that I've overlooked.


The mod in question is my Brynjolf as Follower mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13059 What my mod does is to add custom follower dialogue to Brynjolf. I did this as a new quest that is set up to run only after the player has become Guild Master. I also altered his default outfit (removed the hood completely and created a new set of Guild master armor for him with different enchantments). Here is a summary of the problem and what has been tried so far...


The follower dialogue does not show up at all in their game. They tried to disable/enable Brynjolf using the console, and this seems to have updated his outfit to the version from my mod (his hood was gone after disable/enable), but there was still no dialogue. I double checked to make sure the player was indeed the Guild Master, and asked what other mods they had running. They have Better Males mod Faces- GeonoxFaces and Sexy Whiterun. They also had already tried deleting both mods and nothing changed. Then they tried deleting all mods and reinstalling just mine. Brynjolf had the armor, no hood, but still no follower option. They have also tried to redo the Under New Management Quest, but they still didn't get the follower dialogue. They've even tried re-installing the game. Everything else works for them except they can't get my mod to work. They used NMM to install & delete the mods. They've also tried installing my mod manually.


I had them check to see if the files were all installed in the proper places; they were. I also had them try using the console to enter: "setrelationshiprank player 3" and "set playerfollowercount to 0" ... still nothing.


Help, please! I'm completely out of ideas. This person is so excited to use my mod, and I really would like to help them out. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, we would both be very grateful. I've not heard from anyone else complaining of having similar trouble with my mod, so it's frustrating that it's not working for this one person, particularly when this person is so enthusiastic about my mod.



UPDATE: We finally got the mod working for her. I sent her one of my saves to try, and it worked fine on her computer. I thought maybe the final quest hadn't registered as completed in her game, but that wasn't the case. So I had her send me one of her saves so I could look at it. I opened it on my system and it worked immediately. So I just made a new save and sent it back. It worked! I have no idea why or what caused the issue and why simply making a save on my computer circumvented the problem. If anyone can enlighten me on this, I'd be incredibly grateful.

Edited by kryptopyr
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