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Force specific RandomEncounter script


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I would like to force specific random encounters at specific random encounter locations.


The property documentation on retriggerscript attached to random encounter trigger volumes suggests that passing in an Int EventNum will force a specific event.

RETriggerScript ConcordEastRECampScript = pConcordEastRECampREF as RETriggerScript
ConcordEastRECampScript.EventNum = 7                           ; default -1
ConcordEastRECampScript.EventNumClearedAfterSpawning = True    ; default False

I can set and read the values fine. Problem is that the EventNum is either wrong or being ignored as I'm still getting random encounters generating. Have tried all sorts of different ints.


The event keyword links to StoryManager > ScriptEvent ... > RECampQuests ... any experience with this stuff ?

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Well... to start with, everything you need to adjust is Conditions to fire the quest in SM Event Node. if you want a specific quest (random encounter) to start at a specific location, then set GetEventData (New Location) to be the one you want.


you should be looking at Change Location Event branch of SM Event Node, ofc.

Edited by werr92
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Unfortunately the RECampQuests I am interested in sit under ScriptEvents not ChangeLocation so that is unlikely to work.


I just noticed that the RECampQuests node is a random Quest Node which is why it is ignoring the REtriggerscript forced EventNum.

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Not sure if you are aware, but Unofficial patch done a bit of work on this system, so be sure to compare scripts. I don't really recall specifics of their system enough to quote here without my PC handy.


I'm semi considering wiping their system out and replacing it tbh.

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What I want to do is, for example (but not limited to) force Doc Anderson to be present at one of the Concord random encounter points until the player can craft antibiotics or build clinics using the base game encounter story manager and quests. Its not possible as thats a random branch which ignores it's own built in .EventNum over-ride property.


4 hours of unsuccessful poking the RE system vs 10 mins to create a context aware quest which meets my needs exactly, is why I tend to script all my own stuff rather than try to re-purpose existing.

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What I want to do is, for example (but not limited to) force Doc Anderson to be present at one of the Concord random encounter points until the player can craft antibiotics or build clinics using the base game encounter story manager and quests. Its not possible as thats a random branch which ignores it's own built in .EventNum over-ride property.


4 hours of unsuccessful poking the RE system vs 10 mins to create a context aware quest which meets my needs exactly, is why I tend to script all my own stuff rather than try to re-purpose existing.

If there was a like button, you last sentence would have earned 1000 clicks from me. In fact, I just did this today - instead of fighting with workshop attacks and REscript and the Story Manager, I just created my own settlement attack quests and scripts. As you say, much simpler.

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