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Dragonborn Costume


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If this has been requested before I apologize. I just haven't found it.


I have the flight animation, the predator vision mod, and something to beef up the perks. After all, he is the killer of dragons, a superhero that the guards even say, "It's an honor to stand before you, Dragonborn." So I thought, "What if I play it as such?"


I'm looking for something like Superman's costume. It would be white (or whatever color others would like) with a triangle and a DB inside it with the B slightly lower than the D. That would be in red (or again whatever color others would like). His cape, trunks, and boots would be the same color as his insignia.


As a side request: I have a female companion. I'm thinking about something that would look good for her in a sexy sort of way the comics did back before they all went "dark". Maybe something like Powergirl, Supergirl, or Wonder Woman using the same color scheme.





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