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Nuka-Cola (and other) paintjobs for all Power Armor sets


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It's easy in a relative sense; you're taking existing textures and mapping them to an existing mesh. Not creating entirely new things from scratch. I have neither the time nor the resources, but I'll lend my support to the request. You're just here for internet pissing matches.

No, it's not that simple, as I have already stated. The other paint jobs were simple to port over to other types of power armor because they were nothing more than colors. Having emblems and patterns requires that you try to match the background color and texture, then chop out the emblems from the original, then stretch and skew them properly so they don't look warped on the new armor. Which is probably going to be a bunch of trial and error, the most annoying of processes. With something like the Quantum X-01 it's not so bad because there is just the one emblem and it's small, but the Nuka Cola and Vim ones are like a mural across the whole armor. Then, since you've made a new pattern that's more than just color, you also have to create a new normal map at least, and possibly specular. It's not the same, and despite the fact that it has been requested, apparently nobody is interested in doing it, and that's okay.


Not wanting to do something has no bearing on lack of imagination or strength of imagination. In fact, this particular mod hardly has any bearing on imagination at all. It's a simple, basic idea, not something creative born out of a maker's mind. Nor does it have any bearing on a lack of talent. Talent is applied where and when the holder desires, not where and when people beg for it. Apathy is allowed. Mod makers can make what they want. They aren't required to care what others request. It doesn't matter whether it's been requested and they 'can't be bothered.' Apparently you can't be bothered either, even though it's such an easy mod. You think mod makers have all the free time in the world to just pop on and start filling requests? You think they don't have busy schedules and limited time, as you claim for yourself?


I came in here because I like to try and help people find mods that they may not have realized existed. Look through my post history and you'll see that a huge percentage of my posts are just pointing out that someone's request already exists, or has something kinda close. I checked this thread with that intention, and left a comment for Mallios confirming that, unfortunately, he is right and it doesn't exist. Then I saw your little jab at mod makers. If anyone was looking for a pissing match, it was you, otherwise you would have said, "I'd like to see this too," and left it alone. Take a moment to examine the way you replied and tell me that you truly didn't think that would be inflammatory. Considering your posts aren't displayed with the title, it's likely that others came here looking to help and your post distracted them from doing so. Why should they not defend themselves from blanket statements? Overreaching statements that attempt to characterize whole groups of people are exactly why we get us versus them mentalities and fractured communities, online or otherwise. Why would you take a derogatory tone against an entire group of people that work to supply you with something you want? Why was your statement not, "I hope someone talented jumps on it?" Think about it. Reflect on why you chose the words you did. It wasn't to spur someone to action, you're smart enough to know inflammatory statements don't work for that. And yes, I responded in a similar tone, which I probably shouldn't have, but do you notice that I didn't insult anyone?


Do you see how, "I'd like to see this too. I hope someone talented jumps on it," is better than what you used? It gets across the point you claim you wanted to make, a statement of support for the idea and call for action, without insulting anyone.


Then you decided to just dive right in and stick with the inflammatory language, dragging the thread further in the direction that your last post claims is the fault of others. Connotation is important, and if you did not intend to be inflammatory you need to better choose your words. Even after that initial statement you could have cut it off on your second post by not posting, or just saying, "I wish someone did want to do it," or "Hopefully someone will want to in the future." You are digging the hole just as quickly and surely as Steve and RedRocket. I'm not going to make guesses at why you posted the way you did, but I think you should put some thought into it.



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Is there a way to just lock this thread? If people are just coming here to argue pointlessly and not do the requested mod, I'd rather it just be cut off. I'm hoping for a positive response, not a detracting argument.
None of this is helping anything, the request or otherwise. One person made a stupid remark, that doesn't really merit turning this whole thing into an all out feud, because anyone who makes such remarks isn't going to be persuaded by longwinded explanations and biting retorts. Arguing with such a person makes you as petty as they are. End of discussion.

If you're gonna do the mod, please say so. If you're not, don't comment. Don't turn this into a session of getting hardcore with the keyboard.

Thank you to Jkruse05 for addressing the mod request.

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