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Not understanding why I cannot get Skyrim 2K to work?


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I have tried and tried and tried! I used the mod manager and tried to install directly and still now change. Also When I thought it did change it force closed. No messages just straight to desktop. Now with 1.5 I see it has 4 downloads. I got all of them. When I used the manager it wanted to know if I wanted to merge them since each mod part game up as a separate mod with the same name. Do i merge them or not I tried it with both and got nothing. Then I tried to add each file into the Data folder like i thought i was supposed to do. Each extracted file has a texture file with the mods in them. Do I leave the texture folder as is and the rest into that or bring all of them out into the data folder. When I do that it wants me to either copy and replace or leave files alone. Now it must be reading something since when I did this I had some textures remove and a purple rendered mesh object was left with no texture map on it. Any help would be Great! No one as any install write up for downloading 1.5.
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Assuming you're talking about the "Skyrim HD" thing, I just downloaded one of the sets for the hell of it. Looks like it just gives you a textures folder and a readme. Put the textures folder (for each part, just copy the whole "textures" folder it gives you) inside of your Skyrim\Data folder. There will already be a textures folder there (most likely, see below...) but paste it there anyway. If asked to merge the folders, choose yes. If asked to replace files, hit "Copy and replace" for every file (should be a box you can check at the bottom when that comes up to do it for the next ______ instances, this may not happen if you delete your old textures folder again, see below).


Should be that simple. May want to delete your "textures" folder inside of Skyrim\Data to give yourself a fresh start, if you delete your "textures" folder there it'll simply run Skyrim with entirely vanilla textures. Though keep in mind if you have other mods with custom texture files it will delete them all as well. The reason you haven't gotten any responses besides this, I imagine, is because without knowing exactly what you did in what order the only thing we can assume is "you did something wrong".


The mod says it's compatible with the HD DLC from bethesda, but that should all work via an .esm, .esp, and some .bsa's - should be separate and not have anything to do with the install process.

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