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[Mod Request] No Stolen-Marked Items.


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Basically the title. I'm tired of having good gear taken off of DEAD SOLDIERS that I DID NOT KILL be marked as stolen so I can't repair the stuff at an armorer. I don't even care about selling it that much since a lot of it is super heavy, I just want to be able to repair the armor without waiting like 4+ days and spending a bunch of money on food.

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We need a mod that makes it where armor taken from someone, regardless of whether you killed them or not, is not marked as stolen. You can keep all the other flags for legitimate stealing. But I don't think the policy of "You keep what you kill" should be applicable in a medieval time period, when you are alone with a guy in a forest, or on a battlefield, or whatever, and no one else would be able to know whether or not something was stolen.

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Basically the title. I'm tired of having good gear taken off of DEAD SOLDIERS that I DID NOT KILL be marked as stolen so I can't repair the stuff at an armorer. I don't even care about selling it that much since a lot of it is super heavy, I just want to be able to repair the armor without waiting like 4+ days and spending a bunch of money on food.


Although I can't seem to find a way to remove the "Stolen" tag from an item, I was able to remove the selling restriction and released the mod "All Merchants Can Fence" here: https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/62


I used the free .pak extractor tool called Dragon UnPACKer v5.7.0 and spent a few hours digging through the .pak files. Under the Scripts > Script folder, there is a .lua file called SocialClass. Screenshot below:




Inside SocialClass.lua exists a single true/false variable called "dealsWithStolenItems" to determine if a trader will accept stolen items. Screenshot below:




This value is false by default, so I changed it to true and repacked the Scripts.pak file back into the Data folder.


So far, any trader I've spoken with will now accept stolen items but they must haggle for the price, just like a Fence would. This is better than refusing to pay for stolen items outright in my book. As far as removing the "Stolen" tag from items -- hopefully we'll find that later.

Edited by kdn19
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