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About that pickpocketing clothes thing...


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Alright, so, pickpocketing someone's clothes for whatever reason is kinda funny, kinda fun but also gets kinda old. And I don't know about you, but if I steal an NPC's clothes, I don't necessarily want them to stay that way. That aside, the fact that said NPC just keeps on doing what they're doing without noticing a thing irks me. Some people get a kick out of seeing disrobed NPCs obliviously wander down the middle of the street, but I don't. So I have suggestions.


First: When a waking person's clothes are successfully pickpocketed, I'd like them to go into fear mode or hostile "search mode" until killed, or until:


Two: They path to the nearest container and "pull out" a set of miner's clothes and don them. I specify miner's clothes because if they keep respawning their usual clothes that would neither make sense nor really be any fun. However, after X amount of time it would be nice if they become re-equipped with their own default clothes again.


This would add a bit of funny realism to the game, especially since feared individuals tend to run and hide behind objects anyway.


Also, I think this mod should probably be named: "The Streak"

Edited by ButterscotchCream
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