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Best way to teleport the Player to a new Worldspace?


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Hello everyone! It's been a looooong time since I last posted in this forum, and now I'm trying to get back to my New Vegas mod.

As my work kept growing in content, I felt the need to create a new Worldspace within my mod, which now has a new, deserted area.
However, I wanted to do something a little different: instead of allowing the player to move freely around the desert, I decided to divide it into a few "blocks", each one containing a single location, and only allow the user to fast travel between them. I currently have two of these locations, one being the Base Camp in the desert and the other being a Raider Camp.

My idea is to have the Player interact with a map at the Base Camp, from which they can choose one of many destinations. First, however, the Player needs to do the same to reach my new Worldspace.
I guess it would be fairly easy to use an Activator object to prompt the user to choose the destination, but what about teleporting? How could I script something similar?

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So, I was trying to use that function you suggested.

I have both the NVSE and the Plugin installed in my Data folder, and I'm using the GECK Powerup to work.


I've simply copied the example script into my Activator's code to test it out, and it gets me a "Script Command MessageBoxExAlt not found".

Is there something I'm missing? Installation guide only said to extract the files in my Data folder, and nothing else.

Edited by QuentinVance
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I've followed your suggestion, created a shortcut to the Powerup Geck and made it to start with NVSE.

Apparently it's working, but whenever I try to close my script it asks me to save it, but nor the Save icon nor the button that appears upon exit actually save the script.


What am I doing wrong now?


EDIT: I've got the same issue if I follow the procedure with standard GECK.

Edited by QuentinVance
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Your script must have an error. PowerUp is supposed to tell you what that error is, though. If you click on Edit on the toolbar of the GECK with PowerUp working, there's an option to turn off the spell-checker. If that's not there, PowerUp isn't working. About your script, you can post it if you want me to have a look.

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