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Adopt a Kid in Skyrim


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OK seriously would love it if someone could create a mod that lets you adopt a child from the orphanage in......lol city with thieves guild (terrible memory). you could do it like a companion mod so you can ask them to move into your house set where they sleep and they will be able to sim out life (eat, sleep read est). they should be able to accompiny you like a companion but wont fight est (or can optional esp maybe with the abbility to set killable). as for the abbility to adopt you could do it so that nice woman in the orphanage will let you adopt after the old hag has been killed depending on factors such as your marrige status and whether or not you have crimegold.


pls if someone could make anything close to this i know a lot of peeps want it as i discovered when searching wether or not it was possible already as there were lots of ask google/yahoo and youtube responses to it.

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