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Morrigan Face Morph Problem - face stuck, but colors changing?


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So I've been trying to download a new morph for Morrigan. At first, I was annoyed because I thought it may be a texture issue that made every single morph I downloaded look the same, but after some experimentation I discovered that it was the same face every single time. In fact, it appears to look like a default human female one from toolset. :/ Even more odd is that the makeup and hair chnage accordingly, but not the face. I did a thourough search of my override folder, and there is only one morrigan morph at any given time. I removed all morphs and her face returned to the vanilla one, but after restarting and installing a new morph, the same thing happened. And is ONLY with Morrigan - no other character has given me this issue. EDIT: I see that it happens with both Leliana and Flemeth, as well. In addition, I was able to get one morph to work because the creator had included the mrh file. By opening that file and posting it to local on my own, it worked perfectly, although it was not my face of choice. I have tried many, many morphs, and I am at my whit's end! If you could offer any advice, I would greatly appreciate it.





This is the face in toolset that automatically pops up when making a human female face morph.


http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h363/lysskisses/2.png http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h363/lysskisses/6.png http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h363/lysskisses/3.png http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h363/lysskisses/5-1.png


This is what the face ALWAYS looks like in-game, even though the morph chosen was much nicer. :( I got Morrigan's face to work in the second picture by editing an mrh file that a creator had provided and then posting it to local. In short, the only way I can change a face is by making a morph myself, or obtaining the original mrh of a morph and posting it to local.

Edited by Kapris
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