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Back to vegas! List of useful mods?


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Hi guys


Just returning back to vegas to replay it all over again, after playing skyrim to a certain level I got a little bored with how easy the vanilla game was and then the lack of mods put me off it a little (i know there are a lot more now but still)


So I am going to go ahead and bash back into vegas but need some recommendations on mods!


Anyone got some MUST have mods?


I have the ultimate edition as well so already got all the DLC's.


Bash on with your ideas, or any small compilations to make the game challenging and different for my second attempt around xD




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Hey, I use a few mods that aim at making the game more challenging but also more believable. I play on Very Hard/Hardcore, no Vats. Right now I'm only running a few: FOOK, MMUM, FelloutNV, and Underground Hideout (plus all DLC). The first is a content addition/rebalance/bug fix mod, the second is a huge bug fix mod, the third is a graphical alteration, and the last is the most popular home mod. These are all really popular and a simple search will find them for you. I'm considering adding a bunch of new mods:


Gamplay Changes: Project Nevada (gameplay enhancer-- adds a bunch to combat, check out their youtube video), Bottle that water (self-explanatory), J.E. Sawyer's mod (Lead Project designer's gameplay balances, improves hardcore mode, partially integrated into FOOK), no auto aim (self-explanatory), centered 3rd person camera, BBQ Grills that work, Improved Companion Sandbox (makes your companions loiter)


Content additions: New Vegas Interiors Wasteland and Urban editions (two separate mods, add interiors to otherwise placerholder buildings), Novac Hotel Suite Upgrade (self-explanatory), Goodsprings Home Revisited, Boulder City Facelift Project, Water Tower Mini-Vault V5 player edition,


Revisions: NVR and NVFR (sister mods that make the strip and freeside look unharmed by bombs because vegas wasn't hit), Electro-City (adds lights to many areas of the wastes), Nevada Skies (weather mod), Clean McCarren, Novac Redux


That's about it for now. I highly suggest you check out the Gameplay changes. I like a balanced, enjoyable game. A lot of other mods are unbalanced and favor god characters or aesthetic tastes unlike fallout, so I sorted through a bunch to find these. I won't have tested them until I can play again, so feel free to experiment!

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That is by no means a complete list of the mods I want to add. Here is a really useful thread I found: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=56877&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=20 that is Page two, but page one is pretty old and it's better to stay up to date. My tactic for finding good mods is to do a search on the nexus and sort by downloads in descending order. You can also go to a category and sort it. Hope that helped.
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