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Need someone to help build a Mod with me


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The idea of this mod stems from the electrical infrastructure of the United States. Instead of each settlement in the Commonwealth producing their own power separately; why can't the power just come from one place. There would be a single power station in the Commonwealth that would supply power the various settlements. The electricity generated form this power station would be distributed to the settlements by an infrastructure of pre-attached Overhead Power Lines ( See this>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overhead_power_line ). This is the type of Overhead Power Line that Abernathy Farm is built around. The player would have to fix several Overhead Power Lines that are not connected to one another by attaching their wires together, this would be done in a side quest. Once the several Over Head Power Lines are fixed, then the power from them can be distributed to settlements by telephone poles. It would be somewhat of the same type of power distribution system that you see in the United States. Let's discuss how we could make this possible. This would be pretty cool to see in the game!!

Edited by stevefiggy
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You could start the quest by finding out that the settlers paid a pair of raiders called Whitey and Fish to fix the infrastructure, and you need to go waste their cheating asses to get the caps and gear back!

That might be a good idea; to have certain characters do the job also.

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