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An Idea: World of Azeroth (Warcraft in Skyrim)


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Well, I am not as much of a World of Warcraft fan as the next guy. I don't go on it 24/7, don't grind or go on raides, heck, I don't even play it now because of college! But what I do like is the roleplay part of it, the story, the visuals, all that stuff. Sure, the lore has been messed up, but its merely because of the fact that the game is a MMORPG, designed for players to go in, beat up familiar Warcraft bad-guys and gloat about it. I admit some stuff could be better, some stuff could be changed...and this is where this thing comes into play.


This is an idea for a mod I just thought up while looking over the Arthas the Lich King mod for Skyrim, a pretty good mod if I do say so myself. Now, if we can bring that part in, why not bring in the entire world of Azeroth, the World of Warcraft remade for Skyrim? I know that some parts won't work, but in this case it is a reimagining, making the world look realistic and redesigning the lore to better fit a singleplayer experience rather than a multiplayer, where the player can choose which path they follow, unlike the linear path that WoW has with the two factions.


Story wise, the mod would take place from the beginning of WoW to Cataclysm, with each part being an expansion, like the MMO itself. However, as stated, each quest will be redesigned with singleplayer in mind, so a bit less of those 'kill x amount of enemies to complete quest' sort of thing. Sides, how the heck does the questgiver know if you killed that amount anyway, sides collecting parts of the enemy that may or may not be there in the first place? Considering that Skyrim is more oriented to skill building than grinding and gaining experience, the quests for the mod should more reflect that, with more parts of the story opening up as the player progresses through these skills.


I am merely a story-writer, so for that reason the only thing I could actually do for the mod is to write up stories and quests, not model or anything else. I am already working on the Path of the Dovah part of Dragonborn Legacy, but to be honest, I don't mind working on two mod projects at the same time. So, here is the list of what could be done:


1. Remake the Eastern Kingdoms and Azeroth as separate regions

2. Recreate familiar cities and landmarks as they are supposed to be.

3. Design models for the races and creatures. Some will just be simple edits of base Skyrim races, while others would be made from scratch.

4. Rework the story of WoW for a singleplayer experiance, while fixing plot holes and making the lore actually make sense.


This idea may or may not actually come into being, but it all depends on who is interested. If enough people are interested, I may start an actual WIP topic. So, tell me what you guys think, and please no raging...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow. Didn't think I'd see another forum user that would ike this idea. I started this same thread last night! LOL!


If you are interested in helping, I could put your name on my list of people helping me make this mod! Since you mentioned making stories, I'd imagine you're good at quest-making? If you are, I can certainly sign you up, if you would like. :)


If you're not experienced with quest-making, then I guess there's no harm with posting ideas for good single-player quests. My mod idea is a bit different than yours, though. I want everything possible that's VANILLA WoW, nothing expansion-related. Purely base-game related mod idea. Let me know what you think, and if you'd like, I can put you on my list of people helping with the mod. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, i'm an up-and-coming video game designer and i think i can help

With the help of a tutorial i found on the nexus, i could import ALL of the races into Skyrim, and do a good few re-textures for good measure, as far as map building i would need a full working model of the WoW continents to edit, and i have no idea how to obtain one

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