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Skyrim crashing


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You don't seem to be alone in this, I crash 99% when fast traveling to Mzulft, and the surrounding area. Even when I approach it from some distance I still CTD. I've not had any success in dealing with it, I tried a brand new install without mods, and I still crashed in the same spot when approaching Mzulft (Eastmarch) and surrounding area.


If more people have the same issue, the better chances of a fix being implemented. Some may not experience it in the same area, but it seems that a few do crash in certain areas of the game.

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I have a similar situation where when I approach Solitude or exit Solitude... I used console to transport into Solitude and it worked with no errors or crashing


I've tried without mods and it still didn't work... I've read several different forums and they say that likely there is a bad cell or corruption in that cell such as an NPC. Now whether this is true, how is it solved since majority of them mentioned waiting a full 7 days in game time so the cells recycle. I've tried this and it did not work.


Not sure what else i can do other than wait for a possible fix

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I have the same problem in and around Ft. Amol. I can't walk past it or to it unless I fast travel there. Can't do that without first discovering it. This problem and the fact that over half of the crypts I have been to don't show interior cells. I can leave and come back a dozen times and still nothing. Sure do hope for a patch to patch the patch. Or something like that....lol.
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I seemed to have resolved my crashes, I took out Vals crafting meltdown alpha. I replaced it with similar mods that do the same thing. I no longer crash where I used to.
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Often crashing in a specific place is related to something that was removed from the game. If you removed a mod that added something in that place that was important or game changing And saved the game with it there, then when the game tries to load the cell that it was removed from - It cannot find it and crashes.


Quest mods can be bad about this. Something is added by the quest, then that something is changed during the quest affecting the game. Then when that change is no longer there the game decides it cannot continue without it.


Try going back to a very early save before you had very many mods or before you removed many and see if that will allow you to go into that area.


That won't fix it, but it will tell you that it is related to something that was changed by a mod in that cell.


It can also occur when two mods try to put something in the same place.

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