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Modded armor, broken textures? Maybe?


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Ok. I'm not the best at modding or understanding how this stuff works. I just started a new game, and followed the STEP guide to the letter for the first time. Everything works as expected, but I have some extremely weird problems with an armor called Crimson Twilight. Whenever I equip it, "sheets" of skin textures appear all over the body. I'll include a picture below. I use CBBE and Bodyslide, and all my other armors work just fine. It is only the Crimson Twilight Armor chest piece, as all other parts of the armor work fine as well. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the armor several times, and nothing else that I have tried seems to work. I'm using MO and all other suggested STEP programs. The armor is broken with and without retextures as well. Any help is appreciated.

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