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Distant Land cuts away when I turn toward it??


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I've seen this happen in other games like Crysis or Fallout 3 where there is a generally large render distance. However I'm trying to figure out why this happens.

When I am turned away from the hills in the distance, they are rendered normally, however when I turn toward them, they start to cut away as if they are out of range.

Is there any fix to this? I have tried mods like Really AEVWD but it does nothing to fix this problem. Is there a mod out there to fix this?

Here are some screenshots to show what im talking about:


Looking Away



Looking Toward



Look at the hills to the right. In the second one, they are gone!


Looking Away



Looking Toward


Edited by sonyz92
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Unfortunately tes4ll will not help, as it replaces only the quad meshes.


The LOD system of Oblivion is very limited (unlike Fallout3 which uses a 3-stage system).


What you see is that the game engine unloads the distant quad meshes. What helps is to increase the parameter "uGridDistantCount". The LOD quads are shown if they intersect with a circle with uGridDistantCount around the player.


But you need a high-end GPU for that game.


But at the end of the day you will see another limit, which is one the triangle level. It seems that your player moves a virtual box around itself. Triangles are only rendered inside this virtual box. This phenomenon is described here. This is the final effect if you are in Elsweyr and want to see the Colovian mountains they appear to have holes.

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