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Mods aren't working


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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't even find the plugin file =/ well actually i did find the skyrimpref.ini but it didn't even have the enable option... any recommendations?

(BTW myb its my process

I click on nexus mod manager,

make sure all the mods are installed,

then check off all the plugin,

then click play skyrim,

and then nothing has changed)


The plugin file is at C:\Username\Appdata\Local\Skyrim

To fix the grey-ed out thingy with the launcher, you add the line to it under [launcher] it won't be there.

Like this;




The skyrim prefs file is in C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim

Edited by xNodus
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Hi guys.


So I'm also pretty new to the whole modding thing and I have a similar problem to what's being discussed. I added the line to the skyrimprefs.ini file and I can access the data files option in the Skyrim launcher. I can also freely tick and un-tick whatever mods I choose, however, certain mods just don't exist in-game. For example, I have The Collector's Crypt mod and it's ticked off and everything but there's no trapdoor/manhole to be found at the specified location.


Any help will be appreciated.

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