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Angi's Bow


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ok, the first time I met angi I had archery of 100, did not really think she could teach me much.


but this time I heard she would train you AFTER 90.....and I was at 96. So I go and do her arrow tests. the last one was actually not hard but it took me 6 tries...medium.


so you get buffed up skill wise cool. but seriously, if she can teach ANYONE more about the bow until 100, that makes her a master blaster bowsman. it seems to me she should have a kick as# bow.


I tend to use glass bows, because it is pretty could bow for not too many perks. it would be nice if


a) angi's bow had better stats or


b) it had cool ability, like it did good but not great damage but ignored armor, or got an insane amount of criticals.....something "master of archery" ish....

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