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i made a mod called wrong turn and some of the npc's and creatures do not work in game, the quest also skips parts and causes the game to crash.


when i load the mod in geck i get this error


QUESTS: could not find previous info (0100a854) for topic info

(0100a855) in topic goodbye (000000d4)


you need lookout point to use this mod.


i suck at doing script so i basically need someone to look at it and see if i did it wrong.


i am not sure where the issue in the quest is at


link to mod http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/640977-wrong-turn/


if any one can help thanks




this mod also cause the game to crash when you talk to npc's not associated with this mod


some of the creatures that do not work are useing the failed fev subject modles



Quest data: objective index info:


0 blank

5 I have found a very strange book. I should keep it, maybe it would be useful in the future.

10 Go to the Destroyed settlement and search for Jack's Book.

20 Search for Jack's book somewhere inside the Settlement.

30 Go to back to Jack and give the book to him.

50 Find or buy a book for Jack, and give it to him.

200 Jack has recived his book

210 not in the index


quest id



quest name

book hunting


priority 55


quest stage script

0 blank


5 SetObjectiveDisplayed ABHWestVirginia 5 1


10 SetObjectiveDisplayed ABHWestVirginia 10 1


20 SetObjectiveCompleted ABHWestVirginia 10 1

SetObjectiveDisplayed ABHWestVirginia 20 1


30 SetObjectiveCompleted ABHWestVirginia 20 1

SetObjectiveDisplayed ABHWestVirginia 30 1


50 SetObjectiveDisplayed ABHWestVirginia 50 1


200 SetObjectiveCompleted ABHWestVirginia 200 1

SetStage ABHWestVirginia 210


210 blank


Topic that is causeing issue is the goodbye one


so here is the one i made for it




info - bye bye - flags - G P - # Resp - 1 - speaker npc - ABHWestVirginiaJack - conditions GetIsID NPC ABHWestVirginaJack - comparison == vaule 1.00 and run on subject


reasponce bye bye

Edited by XImmortalFireX
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ok i removed the condition from the byebye topic and it no longer crashes the game when i talk to the npc


but now when i am fighting the creatures the game crashes for some reason it didnt do that before and there is something wrong with my nave mesh i dont know how to fix it

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I just took a quick glance at the mod and I see a few issues right way. First thing though is you need to get FO3Edit and learn to use it. You can download this Training Manual here. If you are going to troubleshoot mods then it is a must have to see things more clearly than the GECK. And it allows you to make some edits and fixes much easier.

It looks like you have overwritten some FO3 Dialogue. A Rivet City line or 2 and some of the Generic Hello stuff on first glance. It is easy to do when you are first learning how to do dialogue. Sometimes even if you know you do it and then try to fix it in the GECK it will still be a mess. That is why FO3Edit is so nice. You can easily see the mistakes, delete them and then fix them in the GECK.

Next it looks like you changed the DefaultSandboxCurrentLocation512 and CaravanGuardCrazyWolfgang Packages. This is also easy to do when you are first learning about Packages and how they work. It looks like you did it without knowing you were making such a drastic change to Base Game Packages because the changes are pretty big and will cause big issues in the game. You need to delete those changes in FO3Edit.

Now the Navmesh. Read this page if you have not already, especially the Finalize part. Most of your issue is that your Verts and Edges are not matching up across Cells when you Finalize. You can see this because you are not getting the Green lines between Cells after Finalize. You need to make sure that those little red dots, that turn green when you pick them, line up across Cells and that means Vertically and Horizontally. You need to make it as seamless as possible across cells with the Verts. You can use the F key to drop the dots to the land height and hold the Z key to move it only in the up-down. What can happen is that as you Navmesh from above the Verts can be higher or lower than you think because you do not have the depth perception. It looks like they are all on the same plane, but in fact might be higher or lower than you think. That is why you have to look at your work from the side from time to time.

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