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[mod request] Non-Lethal Takedown


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So I'm in skellige and doing the possesion quest, And as you all well know that if you trick the hym rather then the alternative you have to fight some guards, well even though you strike them with your sword a blood flies out of them I couldn't help but wonder that a non-lethal takedown might be a nice touch, in this case especially because the guards do not actually die.


I'm thinking something like the effects of when you use AARD on a weak enemy and they end up on their back, and if you go up and strike geralt puts his sword straight through them, instead giving us the option that when you do go up to them and strike instead he punches them in the face, KO. or maybe even with the pommel of his sword?


Just an idea.



P.S. Just finished the quest and remembered he headbutts them, But even still, the sword cutting animation doesn't really need to be there.

Edited by DISIDEUS8888
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