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Hunger Games: Wilderness (WIP)


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Sounds cool, but make sure you consider how fast an ingame day goes when you space the districts out, unless you want people to be selective about which ones they visit. If you did want them to be selective give us something that gives a general idea of what we can get from each district so we can prioritise.

Can't wait to see how this turns out :biggrin: good luck!

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Sounds cool, but make sure you consider how fast an ingame day goes when you space the districts out, unless you want people to be selective about which ones they visit. If you did want them to be selective give us something that gives a general idea of what we can get from each district so we can prioritise.

Can't wait to see how this turns out :biggrin: good luck!


ya there is a space under sponsors / rewards where I am going to put a full spreadsheet of all the rewards from every district, but I will not include items found around panem. I definetly do want to make a time restriction but I am not sure how long it will be, 5 days was just a random number. It will probably be enough time to visit most of the districts but not all of them so people will ultimatley have to pick and choose somewhat.

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Rather than making it so that you need a brand new character with low stats, you could just strip the player of all their gear and put it in a box, like the most of the new vegas dlc did. I think i speak for most people when i say that starting a new character is a hassle.
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Rather than making it so that you need a brand new character with low stats, you could just strip the player of all their gear and put it in a box, like the most of the new vegas dlc did. I think i speak for most people when i say that starting a new character is a hassle.


Alright the reason I decided this would be a good idea is because I will be over-riding the opening scene to do my own "cinematic" that will explain why and where you are and how you are chosen to participate in the games. The other reason is that I want to make it possible for players to choose which district they belong to, with a creation screen it is easy to just give you the option to pick one.


I am guessing you are against this because you have seen the long skyrim opening scene many times, but this is entirely new and will be much shorter, and once the cinematic part is over you will be placed in your district ready to go.


The new opening scene will essentially be the reaping and I am quite tied to this idea, although I may do it differently if enough people say that this is something that they do not want.

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My mind is running wild guys. I will definitely have some concept images up by the end of the month along with a ton of documentation, but do not expect too much as I have 4 exams and a vacation before may 1st... -_-


I will be focused in may though.

Edited by Falconsflight
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