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Help seeking the mod with bettersettlements.esm


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I know I goofed just a bit, but I updated a few mods in the mods section of Fallout 4, instead of noting them down for me to uninstall and reinstall the mods through Nexus Mod Manager. I think I found all those I downloaded, but as the title notes I'm hunting down the mod that has bettersettlements.esm (see attached screenshot that I cropped . . Correction tried as both a jpg and png, both under 105kb no luck there) in it. Any ideas which one that might be? I hunted in Google, but no luck. I have done a bit of building with Snap 'N Build using some base game assets, but as far as I know that's not what's affecting it. And I doubt it's the Usable Bunk Beds mod. What follows is a list of all the mods I'm currently using and yes, this is on PC (don't start which is better, I'm just trying to figure out what mod I need to put back in to fix the loading of my game, I'm close to level 41 now with quite a bit to do yet).


The mod list (Do note this includes some notes of other things that were put in on the same mod page, some of which is needed due to the other mods on the list):

Scrap Everything
HUD Framework
True Storms (Wasteland edition)
Armor and Weapons Keywords
Tales From the Commonwealth
Settlement Menu Manager
Visible Companion Affinity
Power Armor Quick Enter and Exit
Improved Map with Visible Roads
Valdaci's Item Sorting
See Through Scopes
Settlement Management Software
Atomic Radio
NCR Vetern Ranger Armor
Skibada Weapons Pack Redux
Everyones Best Friend
Sanctuary Bridge Fix
K9 Harnes Tactical Body Armor
AK5C - A Nordic Relic
Wayyz Lazer Rifle
Solar Power
M1 Garand
AK74M - Assult Rifle
.45 Auto Pistol (Colt 1911)
Walther P99
FN Five-seveN
DKS-501 Sniper Rifle
The Widow Shotgun
Wasteland Melody's Chinese Assault Rifle
Workshop Synth Production
Salvage Beacons
SA80 (L85 & L88) British Assualt Rifle)
Alien Assualt Rifle
TES-51 Power Armor (Skyrim Inspired)
Campsite Simple Wasteland
Mauser Family Rifle Pack
ClassicFM Radio 50 Sound to Snipe By
The Wasteland Codex
Mr. Handy Plasma Gun
Galaxy News Radio
Athena 4.0 Fully Voiced Robot Companion
Power Armor Display Stations
Armorsmith Extended v3.02
Manufacturing Extended
Modular Simonov PTRS-41
Mechanist's Lair Expanded
Lever Action Reload Overhaul
Westech Tactical Optics
Canteens of the Commonwealth
Fallout 4 Unofficial Patch
Spring Cleaning
Survival Options
Place Everywhere
Defense Gun
Power Armor Autopilot
X02 Power Armor
Buildable Power Armor Frames
Compact Crafting
Fixable Power Armor Frames
Power Armor Storage System
M2045 magnum Revolver Rifle
Expanded Railway Rifle Mods
No Random Mercer Safehouse
Armor and Weapon Keyword Community Resource
Chinese Stealth Armor (not the Creation Club version(
Starlight Drive in Windows Shutters
Starlight Delight
Starlight Delight Working Projector
Starlight Delight Working Projector Sound version
Starlight Screen Repaired
Videos of the Wasteland
Brainwashing: Commercials of the Commonwealth
Good Old Cartoons (all four)
Sobering Videos (Mr. Bean pack)
Staggeron's Public Domain Videos (all 4)
Vault-Tec Tapes MTV 1930 (Tapes only version. You will need Videos of the Wasteland)
Vault-Tec MPL
Walther MPL Submichine gun
Snap'n Build 2.0 (main plus windowed walls texture fix)
Where are You Now (add the Automatron DLC patch, too) - helps in finding companions
Fusion City Rising
Personal Craftable Vertibird
Vertibird Landing Zones
Sleep Anywhere
Survival Mode Console Enabler
Crossbows of the Commonwealth
Personal Vertibird Flight Altitude Fix
Vertibird Beacon (add Minute Men Overhaul patch, but activate that later if we use that one).
Minutemen Propaganda Posters
Minute Men Overhaul 2.0 (Add patches for Minutemen Propaganda Posters and the patch for OC Decorator)
The Grease Gun (Add Vladisil's Item Sorting Patch)
Handmade Revolver
Commonwealth Livestock
Singing Settler
Portable Junk Recycler
Junktown (not installed)
Vendors Have Mods
DLC Leveled List Integration
Repairable Sanctuary
BS Defence
Atom Cats (Settlement Story 3)
Thicket Executions - Settlement Story 1 (Add the other 2 while you're at it, not using raider respawn)
Roadside Pines Motel - Settlement Story 2
Buildable Barricades and Guard Posts
Automatron Decals and Prints
Where Did I Put That
Lootable Vault-Tec Containers and Wood Crates (Main plus merged ESP)


I will grant you I do have some load order issues to sort out as I have gotten some lookup failed listings in just a few places, but I'm only seeing those on maybe one wait screen and what looks like the new arcade machine addition from the Creation Club (not here to bash on that either, I've picked up a batch of freebies over the past weeks, so I'm not going to complain too much and things are improving, I say give them time, things will happen). Anyway, thanks for the help in advance and constructive criticism only please, I'm trying to fix things, not start another war.

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