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Has anyone been able to put a custom house in Whiterun ?


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I've tried just about everything possible, but I just cannot teleport back into Whiterun. I can teleport out, into a custom cell, but trying to return always ends in a CTD.


My latest venture was setting up a self activate trigger and attaching a teleport script and XMarker heading. Again, this works fine going to the cell, but coming back leaves the character in the void (at least it doesn't CTD)


Has anybody found a solution to this ?


The only way possible has been to put a teleport door that connects to Breezehome and then enter Whiterun through Breezehome. This is 2 load screens just to get back.


Why is it OK to enter Whiterun through Breezehome, but not through a custom cell ?


Anyone know the answer ?

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